Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Year End Thoughts


This year I seem to be spending much more time leading up to the New Year in thinking about where I've been as well as where I'd like to be - within myself, with myself, my work, my family, my friends.  Some health resolutions I've already started (possibly so the shift won't be quite so drastic come the 1st).

Basically, it's all about taking an inventory on what really is important to me. Sometimes that isn't quite so easy to answer.  I've been heading in one direction for so long (such as teaching), that it's quite startling to consider making a change.

Somehow I'm sensing a year of change..... at the least the potential is there.

New year, new thoughts, new directions.  As I replace the old marked up desk blotter with a new pad, fresh sheets, clean slate, I'm free to contemplate fresh changes in several areas of my life.

You have to love the start of a new year!!

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