Monday, July 8, 2013

Self Critiquing

So....the little black basket is done.  And I don't like it.  It's simply - "okay".  It doesn't "pop", or excite, or really attract.  Blah.

So it's back to the drawing board (so to speak) today.  I have an idea for take four.  HOPEFULLY this one will be the one.  And yes, I am wondering if I should just give up.  But the idea still seems to have merit.  So one more try it is.

Self critiquing is sometimes uncomfortable - and a bit crazy making.  Am I being overly critical?  Can I actually see what's really there?  Am I being too tough, or not tough enough?  How can I really "see" with another's eyes?

But I am feeling optimistic that I can make this actually looking forward to trying again.

Hmmm, I'm tending toward "crazy" to describe this.....or me....

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