Monday, June 17, 2013

Jabez, KY via Nashville, TN

My biggest challenge this week will be living in the moment and being fully present for my classes, renewed friendships, and the adventures endemic to travel.  My heart seems to be fully planted on Lopez Island and I can hardly wait until this trip is over and I can escape to Anadaré.  Ok, now that's been cleared up, I'll try not to mention it every single day.

Flying into Nashville, TN last night (after a layover in Denver) provided ample reading time.  (See - ever the optimist!)  All my bags also arrived - even better, since I can't teach without materials.  The best part was reuniting with a very good friend from Alaska, with whom I will drive up to Kentucky today as well as share a room at the conference center at Jabez, near Somerset.

So let the exploits begin!  New weaving opportunities to have patience with my mobility issues....

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