Tuesday, May 28, 2013

The Drive Home

Packing up for the drive home and closing up the house until the next trip to the island is usually not my favorite part of any visit.  Couple that with the discomfort of knowing I will have to decide upon and navigate new routes and deal with a lot of traffic (not to mention a much longer driving time), and the thought of leaving the island is even more unhappy than usual.

But even as I plan my travel, I commiserate with the local population of Mt. Vernon that has to deal with all this additional traffic and upheaval because of the bridge collapse.  Their daily lives are affected, while it's only one journey on my part.

I have five routes to choose from.....hopefully I'll make the right choice and the right time of day....if there is one.  I just downloaded the Seattle Traffic App to my phone - I probably should have had it on there before, anyway.

So I've done all the preparation I can, and Sophie and I are ready for a long trip home.  And yes, it is getting closer and closer to a complete move to the island!

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