Friday, December 7, 2012

Basket Gathering on Shaw Island

Walked onto the ferry yesterday to go to Shaw Island.  The basketweavers, who belong to the San Juan County Textile Guild and live on all of the islands, meet once a month on Shaw for a basket gathering - to weave, share, instruct, and inspire one another.  First of all, simply traveling to the event by ferry was fun - part of that island life that I'm embracing!  Even better? Walk-on inter-island traffic on the ferries is free.

One member picked the walk-ons up from the ferry dock.  Discovered that travel from Lopez to Shaw (and the return), as compared to travel from the other islands, is the most awkward trip for timing  - somewhat geographically undesirable, even up here!  Two of us came from Lopez - we were the last to arrive and the first to have to leave due to the ferry schedules.

It was a fun day - with 19 weavers of all levels (including alot of beginners). Going back to the ferry we hit "rush hour" on Shaw - 5 cars were on the road heading our way, and 3 cars got off of the ferry - wow!  The nuns no longer run the ferry dock, but they do run the very little store by the dock.

Today was one of those days where I really felt like an islander.  Love it!

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