Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Salt Air & First Basket

It's bittersweet, puttering around my little nest as I clean-up and pack for the trip back to the mainland.  I won't be able to be back for 3 weeks!  I took my tea outside to the deck, and the silence is amazing.  No traffic sounds, no planes overhead, the birds aren't really awake yet - the stillness just seeps into my soul as I say morning prayers.  And have I even mentioned the fresh, salty air??

Growing up near salt water, I took the scent of the salt in the air for granted.  It wasn't until I went to college in Eastern Washington that I realized what I was missing.  One of the best parts of coming home for the holidays was the first sniff of the salty air again.  Smelling it now just totally centers me and feels right.  Simply another reason that I need to be here.

And now by popular demand, here is the first completed basket (although yet untrimmed) at Anadaré - Nine Star Base Basket.  And yes, shown with some of my beloved driftwood.

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